[vine-users:080261] Re: OTF-Morisawa-basic7 での xdvi について

MURAKAMI Tomokazu tomone @ p-act.sakura.ne.jp
2010年 4月 15日 (木) 02:56:47 JST

村上 @PARALLEL ACT %TomOne です。

From: MURAKAMI Tomokazu <tomone @ p-act.sakura.ne.jp>
Subject: [vine-users:080254] OTF-Morisawa-basic7 での xdvi について
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 01:11:28 +0900 (JST)
Message-ID: <20100412.011128.26348870.tomone @ p-act.sakura.ne.jp>

> 村上 @PARALLEL ACT %TomOne です。

> それで、xdvi で、モリサワ基本7書体で表示することは出来るのでしょうか?
> とりあえず、そのままでは駄目でした。

一応、xdvi でモリサワを表示させることが出来ました。

# updmap-otf morisawa
# updmap-sys

として、xdvi を起動させましたが、

xdvi.bin: Warning: A ptexmap entry for 'futogo-b' in "/usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map" duplicates a former entry in "/usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map". Overwrites.

xdvi.bin: Warning: A ptexmap entry for 'futogo-b-v' in "/usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map" duplicates a former entry in "/usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map". Overwrites.

xdvi.bin: Warning: A ptexmap entry for 'futomin-b' in "/usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map" duplicates a former entry in "/usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map". Overwrites.

xdvi.bin: Warning: A ptexmap entry for 'futomin-b-v' in "/usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map" duplicates a former entry in "/usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map". Overwrites.

と言ったメッセージが大量に出て、xdvi ではモリサワが表示されませんでし


を編集し、*.otf とある行以外を削除しました。
すると、xdvi でモリサワが表示されました。


一応 $ dvipdfm main.dvi として出来た main.pdf はちゃんと埋め込まれたよ

*** kanjix.map.orig	2010-04-15 02:41:04.000000000 +0900
--- kanjix.map	2010-04-15 02:42:46.000000000 +0900
*** 1,32 ****
  % /usr/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/kanjix.map: maintained by the script updmap.
  %   Don't change this file directly. Edit texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
  %   and run updmap to recreate this file.
- futogo H FutoGo-Bold.ttf
  futogo-b H A-OTF-FutoGoB101Pro-Bold.otf
- futogo-b H FutoGoB101-Bold
  futogo-b-v V A-OTF-FutoGoB101Pro-Bold.otf
- futogo-b-v V FutoGoB101-Bold
- futogoi H FutoGo-Bold.ttf -s .3
- futomin H FutoMin-Bold.ttf
  futomin-b H A-OTF-FutoMinA101Pro-Bold.otf
- futomin-b H FutoMinA101-Bold
  futomin-b-v V A-OTF-FutoMinA101Pro-Bold.otf
- futomin-b-v V FutoMinA101-Bold
- futomini H FutoMin-Bold.ttf -s .3
- gbm H !GothicBBB-Medium
  gbm H A-OTF-GothicBBBPro-Medium.otf
- gbmi H !GothicBBB-Medium,Italic
- gbmn H !GothicBBB-Medium
- gbmnv V !GothicBBB-Medium
- gbmv V !GothicBBB-Medium
  gbmv V A-OTF-GothicBBBPro-Medium.otf
- gbmvi V !GothicBBB-Medium,Italic
- goth H Gothic-Medium.ttf
- gothi H Gothic-Medium.ttf -s .3
  gtbbb-m H A-OTF-GothicBBBPro-Medium.otf
- gtbbb-m H GothicBBB-Medium
  gtbbb-m-v V A-OTF-GothicBBBPro-Medium.otf
- gtbbb-m-v V GothicBBB-Medium
  hgothb-h H A-OTF-FutoGoB101Pro-Bold.otf
  hgothb-v V A-OTF-FutoGoB101Pro-Bold.otf
  hgothr-h H A-OTF-GothicBBBPro-Medium.otf
--- 1,14 ----
*** 38,50 ****
  hminr-h H A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf
  hminr-v V A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf
  jun101-l H A-OTF-Jun101Pro-Light.otf
- jun101-l H Jun101-Light
  jun101-l-v V A-OTF-Jun101Pro-Light.otf
- jun101-l-v V Jun101-Light
- marugo H MaruGo-Medium.ttf
- marugoi H MaruGo-Medium.ttf -s .3
- min H Mincho-Medium.ttf
- mini H Mincho-Medium.ttf -s .3
  otf-cjgb-h Identity-H A-OTF-FutoGoB101Pro-Bold.otf
  otf-cjgb-v Identity-V A-OTF-FutoGoB101Pro-Bold.otf
  otf-cjgr-h Identity-H A-OTF-GothicBBBPro-Medium.otf
--- 20,26 ----
*** 65,89 ****
  otf-ujmgr-v UniJIS-UTF16-V A-OTF-Jun101Pro-Light.otf
  otf-ujmr-h UniJIS-UTF16-H A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf
  otf-ujmr-v UniJIS-UTF16-V A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf
- rml H !Ryumin-Light
  rml H A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf
- rmli H !Ryumin-Light,Italic
- rmln H !Ryumin-Light
- rmlnv V !Ryumin-Light
- rmlv V !Ryumin-Light
  rmlv V A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf
- rmlvi V !Ryumin-Light,Italic
  ryumin-l H A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf
- ryumin-l H Ryumin-Light
  ryumin-l-v V A-OTF-RyuminPro-Light.otf
- ryumin-l-v V Ryumin-Light
- tfutogo V FutoGo-Bold.ttf
- tfutogoi V FutoGo-Bold.ttf -s .3
- tfutomin V FutoMin-Bold.ttf
- tfutomini V FutoMin-Bold.ttf -s .3
- tgoth V Gothic-Medium.ttf
- tgothi V Gothic-Medium.ttf -s .3
- tmarugo V MaruGo-Medium.ttf
- tmarugoi V MaruGo-Medium.ttf -s .3
- tmin V Mincho-Medium.ttf
- tmini V Mincho-Medium.ttf -s .3
--- 41,47 ----

┃  村上 智一   ( TomOne )     PARALLEL ACT     ┠┐
┃  URI:    http://p-act.sakura.ne.jp/          ┃│
┃  E-Mail: tomone(at)p-act.sakura.ne.jp (main) ┃│
┃  E-Mail: mrkmtmkz(at)kch.biglobe.ne.jp (sub) ┃│

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