[vine-users:082913] Re: don't miss that

hiro777777772002 hiro777777772002 @ yahoo.co.jp
2017年 4月 27日 (木) 08:19:02 JST


I've came across that new amazing stuff,  don't miss  it  up! Just take a look here http://longroadahead.nl/remember.php?fcfd

Looking forward, hiro777777772002

From: vine-users [mailto:vine-users @ listserv.linux.or.jp]
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 7:18 PM
To: hiro777777772002 @ yahoo.co.jp
Subject: NOOOO poor MR2

Giving a timeline of *fifteen* months **since** release  of phone  to  release the kernel sources is what I have a  problem  with. What is the reason for this?

The phone is awesome, but  it's being held back because of  your own actions, which is a  pity.  I have one and I really like MIUI, but there are so  many things that the community  could  do for the phone  had Xiaomi released the sources on time. The vibration intensity, for example, is intolerably high. Whenever  my phone vibrates, it creates noise of its own  apart from  the ringtone.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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