[JF:20134] A Broken Linux Link on Your Site

Erin Williams erinwilliams630 @ gmail.com
2012年 12月 3日 (月) 15:02:45 JST

Hi Szakacsits Szabolcs,

I came across your website and wanted to notify you about a broken link on your page in case you weren't aware of it. The link on jla1.linux.or.jp/JF/JFdocs/Hardware-HOWTO-3.html which links to http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop/ is no longer working. I've included a link to a useful page on Linux that you could replace the broken link with if you're interested in updating your website. Thanks for providing a great resource!

Link: http://www.learnstuff.com/running-linux-on-your-computer/

Erin Williams

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